Mobile Features

mobile device enhanced features

Devices equipped with barcode scanners can use the Mobile client to scan barcodes and enter data directly into the user defined screens. This can be for functions such as receiving, putaway, packing, loading, proof of delivery or inventory balance lookups. Devices can also be used for signature capture for proof of delivery or other functionality as required.

security model

Security of internet based applications is of paramount importance, especially with competitive sensitive data such as inventory information and customer orders. Mobile Warehouse has been designed to protect users and information, not just from unauthorized sources, but to also prevent wrong parties from viewing or changing information that they shouldn’t.

This secure role based security model makes it easy for administrators to configure users and roles to only be able to access their own applicable data. This ensures that both external and internal users only have visibility of types of fields, documents or inventory you want them to see. Functions and commands are also protected, so you can be sure that only the right user is able to access the action, make changes to the document, or view the balances of a particular item of inventory.

document management

The major WMS documents may be remotely searched for, viewed, updated or created.
  • Customer Orders
  • Purchase Orders
  • Advance Shipment Notices (ASN)
All document information from the portal is available through the Mobile client interface, and the intuitive navigation makes moving between pages and information easy. Header information is presented clearly and intelligently, with users able to switch between views to the detail line items and display any associated information within, such as batch numbers, cleanly and simply.

Search functionality makes it possible to retrieve documents with common values easily (i.e. all customer orders with Product A, or all purchase orders from Vendor B), and then browse through these results to find the desired document or piece of information.

Editing of these documents is possible (if permission allows), and users are able to make any changes, such as change the expected delivery date, or perhaps update the order status. Line items can be deleted or modified (following the portal rules, of course), for example a vendor may modify the expected receipt quantity on the ASN after loading.

Users can also add new line items by just entering the SKU and quantity, or in more detail, specifying line item values, such as requested batch #, or unit price.

Delivery Acceptance (POD) can be added to a Shipment Order, with customer’s signatures or rejected reasons being added to the order details. This gives the ability for external parties (such as carriers) to access shipment information and update in real time the order information.

inventory information

The Mobile client gives users anywhere the ability to view inventory balances, history, holds and adjustments.

Balances feature allows users to select product criteria such as owner, item, description, MUID/SSCC or batch number across any or all available warehouses. A lookup of inventory gives users an immediate status of all inventory information in a global view. Selecting a particular item and warehouse will then display the inventory details for that specific facility.

master data setup

Item master records are able to be created or modified in the Mobile client. Users can browse records from a friendly search function, and select items to modify as required. New items can be created and used immediately.

Customer, Vendor and carrier records may also be searched, browsed, edited and created. When creating customer orders, PO’s or receipts, these records may be used to populate supplier, carrier, delivery and billing information.

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sample user types


Can access their documents and inventory from multiple warehouses and multiple warehouse systems even across multiple logistics entities.


of a distribution network can create their own orders, log in to check order status, or view the details of the expected deliveries.

sales personnel

in the field can check the inventory balances of available stock, and immediately place an order for those products. They can check the status of an order from within the customer’s site, or create a new customer record.


can create purchase orders, view inventory balances (for initiatives such as VMI), print shipping labels, or update ASN (Advance Shipment Notice) documents with current delivery information. New products can be created by the vendor on-line, especially if they are sending an alternate part number.


can update delivery information on customer orders as and when deliveries are made, or they may update an ASN status to indicate ‘In-Transit’ after it is picked up from the vendors’ site. Signatures and status information can be collected from delivery customers, as well as any reject delivery reasons.

warehouse personnel

can use Mobile Warehouse to check inventory balances in location, search for ASN, PO or CO information in the dock area when needed, rather than having to race back to a terminal to try and find the missing documents. Actions and functionality can be executed using the client to receive inventory, move it around, pack load and ship the inventory as well.


can check the status of all receipts for the shift from anywhere, check container contents from the yard, or update the status of a customer order.

service personnel

can check for the closest location of the repair or reworked part. They can create an order for that part to be delivered to them specifying the delivery time, method and priority.